Haere rā from Young & Hungry

In October 2022, the Y&H Board issued the following statement:

Haere rā from the Y&H Board

Kia ora long-time supporters, friends and alumni of Young & Hungry.

As a Board, it is with sadness we let you know that after 29 years Young & Hungry is taking its final curtain call. 

It has become apparent to the current Board that this iteration of the Trust is not working, and we are not achieving the charitable aims that it was set up with all those many years ago. As we have now completed our 2022 seasons, it is time to wind up Y&H.

We are operating in an environment which requires us to seek funding from project to project. This limits our ability to provide long-term assured employment for our administrative staff. It also limits our capacity to commit to activities, or invest time in long-term planning. The Board is tied up with generating funding applications, and their associated reporting requirements. These factors doubled with the impacts of COVID, means that we are not reaching the audiences we need to reach, or provide live performance activities for our rangitahi to cut their teeth on. 

We have searched under every stone, climbed many unscalable mountains and survived endless planning meetings. However, we have not been able to find a way forward that does not compromise the Y&H values.

We also wish to acknowledge our key creative partners over the years. BATS has been a long time home for young creatives. Providing a safe space to experiment, push boundaries and help young people find their voices. Also, Playmarket has been there not only to just provide licensing support for creatives but also to provide resources, industry knowledge and advise at every step of the journey. We would not have been able to achieve what we did without these partners.

We are currently working on an inquiry with Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa, the National Library of New Zealand, to preserve ephemera associated with Y&H. To ensure there is documentation of our mahi available to all New Zealanders interested in our story.

We know this news is disappointing as many of you have had a long history with this organisation. We want to thank you for your continued support over the years, through thick and thin. We wish to acknowledge the many alumni that have gone through our programme. The connections you forged and the memories you made will always be yours to carry with you. 
Our final message to all of you, is to please keep supporting our local performance institutes. Live performance is a delicate art form that needs audiences to live and breathe. It is an essential element of a flourishing society. Buying tickets and making donations ensure these places and groups survive, to be handed down to the next generation. 

Nāku iti noa, nā
The Y&H Trustees


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