PAYPA Online Workshop #1: Creating and Rehearsing Online
During the Covid years performing arts practitioners have had to adapt their processes dramatically and reframe how they make work.
Massive Theatre’s Sam Scott not only adapted, but learned to thrive in this new world. She found innovative ways to connect, create and find delight through online rehearsals. Join Sam for a special one-off, free online workshop (supported by PAYPA and CNZ) to learn more and to connect with other practitioners as we navigate this ever-changing and challenging environment.
When: Wednesday 23rd March 6pm-8pm via Zoom. This workshop will be NZSL interpreted.
Who: Sam Scott, founder and artistic director of Massive Theatre Company.
What: Sam will share tips and tricks on how she has delivered workshops and rehearsals on Zoom over the past two years, and how she was able to continue to find the play and fun usually discovered in-person.
How: Register your interest by emailing Kerryn on before Thursday 10th March.
Sam Scott, founder and artistic director of Massive Theatre Company, will be delivering a workshop via Zoom on Wednesday 23rd March 6pm-8pm.
Sam is keen to share how she has delivered workshops and rehearsals on Zoom over the past two years and how she was able to continue to find the play and fun, alongside creating work that inspired.
Here is a list of what Sam has delivered via Zoom over this time:
- Delivered full day workshops for Massive Nui Ensemble (Massive’s all year round ensemble for rangatahi aged 14-25 years).
- Delivered full week intensives for Massive Nui Ensemble.
- Delivered shorter workshops for teachers (3-4 hours).
- Delivered Curious Conversations, a group for Massive Company members who wanted to stay creative during lockdowns. These met weekly for approximately 2 hours at a time.
- Rehearsed a full show, Half of the Sky, over 4 weeks and then did 2 live Shows on Zoom.
- Delivered zooms into classrooms talking about Massive productions they were studying.
- Delivered zoom conversations and small workshops between Massive rangatahi and Japanese students studying theatre.
Sam is keen to design the workshop around the needs and interest of the participants who sign up.
It may be experiential with some talking/discussing/answering questions or more or less of one of these areas.