PAYPA Hui July 2022

A huge thank you to all who attended the PAYPA hui on Friday 15th July. It was a wonderful chance to connect and celebrate all those making work for, by and with young people. Congrats to all the nominees for our inaugural awards:

Nominees for the Emerging Artist Award, for a new company or individual who has made a splash in the performing arts industry:

  • Ben Ashby (artistic director, Long Cloud Youth Theatre)

  • Dominic Flanagan, Flora Dryburgh & Mia Alonso-Green (cast of ‘Seasons’, Capital E National Theatre for Children)

  • Emma Katene (Hatch director, Tahi Festival of Solo Performance)

  • Kasi Valu (independant artist/producer)

Nominees for the award for Most Original Production, for a production for, by or with young people that shows overall excellence in form and content and has resonated superbly with its intended audience:

  • ‘Shel We’ (Le Moana Arts)

  • ‘The Unauthorised Biography Of....’ (The Court Theatre Youth Company)

  • ‘Dakota of the White Flats’ (Red Leap Theatre)

  • ‘Atarangi: Morning Sky’ Tom Knowles / Bohally Intermediate School

Huge congrats to our winners:

Emerging Artist: Ben Ashby

Most Original Production: ‘Dakota of the White Flats’, Red Leap Theatre

Peter Wilson Supreme Award for Excellence in TYA: Jenny Wake

Also, a great time was had on the Saturday with Sacha Copland and her physical workshop on ‘Connecting in a Changing World’.

Images above, clockwise from top left: Ella Becroft, director of Red Leap Theatre's Dakota of the White Flats, with the award for Most Original Production; Production image from Dakota of the White Flats, adapted from Philip Ridley’s novel by Red Leap Theatre; Jenny Wake accepting the Peter Wilson Supreme Award for Excellence in TYA; Ben Ashby celebrating his Emerging Artist Award with Long Clouders Timothy Fraser, Emma Rattenbury, PJ Grundy, Haylee Hailwood and Tiva Green.

More images from the PAYPA hui:

Many thanks to our partners and sponsors who so generously supported this key event for Aotearoa’s Performing Arts & Young People sector: Circa Theatre, Capital E, Wellington City Council, Creative New Zealand and Little Dog Barking Theatre Company.


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