Auditions: Massive’s 2023 Emerging Artist Production

Our dear friends over at Massive Theatre Company are auditioning and they want you!

Are you 16-25 years old and want to experience creating and performing with one of Aotearoa’s most sucessful physical theatre companies?

You will have fun, work with great humans, and learn, develop and build your capability and experience as a maker and performer across 2 months of devising/rehearsals then perform the show in 2 cities. This is a fully resourced development opportunity for emerging theatre makers/performers, it is not a paid production.

Check out to learn more about Massive and their style of work.

The audition is Sat 3 December and the devising/rehearsal/performance period is part time across May-early August, both take place in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland.

The show will be performed at the Basement Theatre in Tāmaki Makaurau and at ONEONESIX in Whangārei.

Please contact to register your interest and to receive more info.


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