Auditions for The Great Piratical Rumbustification
Audition Notice:
The Great Piratical Rumbustification
By Margaret Mahy
Songs by Christine White
Director: Tim Bray
Hoist the Flag of Fun & Mayhem
Shiver me timbers! The pirates are restless, yearning for a grand piratical adventure. "Oh, for a pirate party!" they proclaim. But, as any good pirate knows, a proper pirate party must be a stolen one. So now, get ready to set sail into the high seas of imagination as Margaret Mahy's delightful tale, The Great Piratical Rumbustification comes to life in a swashbuckling stage performance by Tim Bray Theatre Company.
KEY DATES: Thursday 14 March – Saturday 11 May 2024
Auditions: Wednesday 14 February, Grey Lynn Community Centre
We are auditioning for six lead roles. The audition will comprise of a scripted audition piece, singing a short unaccompanied song, plus a request to create and present a couple of short (15-30 seconds each) ‘piratical rumbustification party’ pieces – could be playing a handheld musical instrument (eg spoons, flute, drum), a short dance move, acrobatic or gymnastic move – two additional extra skills you would like to show us and add to the mix.
Additional to the six lead roles, we are also casting the show with three alternate performers to make a cast of nine performers.