Little Dog Barking, founded by artistic director Peter Wilson in 2010, specialised in puppet theatre for young audiences aged 2-8. The company created intimate theatre productions especially for early childhood audiences in their familiar spaces, such as libraries and early childhood centres, along with work in theatres and for festivals. Productions were often original, but the company also earned a reputation for adapting books to the stage. Music played an important part in the creative process and the company offered training in puppetry and mask skills.

Recent Little Dog Barking productions include Duck, Death and the Tulip, The Adventures of Tahi and Kōwhai, The White Tree, Party Pigs & a Sausage Went for a Walk, The Pond and Guji Guji, among others.

Peter Wilson passed away in 2021.

Read Playmarket’s bio on Peter

Read Peter’s obituary on Stuff