SGCNZ National Shakespeare Schools Production 2023

Uniting Forbidden Relationships

Never straightforward in their themes, Shakespeare’s exploration and outcomes of forbidden relationships have very different outcomes. Enjoying the challenges of their currency, young people relish in playing with the interpretation of them.

The walls of Wellington’s Scots College will resound with the mellifluous tones of Shakespearean drama and music from 48 secondary age students from around New Zealand, selected from Shakespeare Globe Centre NZ’s 24 Regional and National Festivals to attend SGCNZ National Shakespeare Schools Production (NSSP)2023.

For a week of the school holidays from 24 September to 2 October, adrenaline will surge as rangatahi begin each day with waiata and haka practice before joining together to do workshops on singing Shakespearean songs, dancing, comedy and combat – to mention just a few.

For the other half of each day, they will toil away in rehearsals, preparing for the culminating productions of 40-minute excerpts of scenes from Romeo & Juliet, Richard III and Cymbeline to be directed by actor/director/agent/SGCNZ Alumna Holly Shanahan, drama lecturer/director Kerryn Palmer and actor Craig Geenty, (respectively), who will also take a workshop each. They will be accompanied by winners of SGCNZ’s Music Composition and Costume Design Competitions, Student Composer, Karim Efremov and Student Costumier, Libby Nicholls.

The line up of illustrious tutors includes Dame Miranda Harcourt speaking on screen skills for Shakespeare and SGCNZ Chief Executive Dawn Sanders sharing her deep knowledge of the Globe and NZ’s gift of Hangings, as well as Shakespeare’s world.

Performances comprising 40 minutes from each of the plays plus some additional items will take place at the Alan Gibbs Centre, Wellington College at 7.30pm on Saturday 30 September and 4pm on Sunday 1 October at the Wild Theatre, Wellington Zoo.

“This hotly sought after opportunity is full of enriching learning experiences, creating a like-minded new whanau and all-important support network, and the chance of being selected to go to the Globe as a member of SGCNZ Young Shakespeare Company 2024,” commented CEO/Organiser Dawn Sanders.

Performance Information:


Date, Venue & Ticket prices: Saturday 30 September 2023 7.30pm, Alan Gibbs Centre, Wellington College, Dufferin Street, Mt Victoria, Wellington

Adults $25, SGCNZ adult friends & concessions $20. Students $12, student friends $20, children under 12 $12. Programmes $5

Date, Venue &Ticket prices: Sunday 1 October 2023 4.00pm, Wild Theatre Wellington Zoo (Ticket price incudes full day access to the Zoo)

Adults $40, SGCNZ adult friends and concessions students $25, student friends $20, children under 12 $12. Programmes $5


The Santa Claus Show ’23
