Call for Submissions for the ASSITEJ Magazine Online 2023

The ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering 2023 will be in Serbia from 20-24 November 2023 with the theme of Regenerating: Connecting Voices which is one of the three themes in the overarching dramaturgy “Regenerating” from 2022.

The ASSITEJ Magazine continues to be online and you can see the previous version from 2022:

The magazine will be published in English and the original language of the author. We will create a magazine that communicates through images, films and text.  Both visuals and text should address the theme, Regenerating: Connecting Voices. We are aiming to regularly update this online Magazine with new articles, from June 2023 until the opening of the Artistic Gathering in November 2023.

This magazine calls for articles that envision the dramaturgy from numerous artistic perspectives. Some prompts might be:

  • How do we as TYA artists and practitioners contribute to regeneration of the environment and society?

  • What do you think are the creative ways we could connect with all parts of the globe, with those who are not being heard, bringing new people forward?

  • What is your response to the global demand to challenge traditional ways of creation and move to new forms of artistic work?

  • How do we as TYA practitioners co-work with members of social communities to tackle climate change and environmental issues?

  • What are the creative ways we could connect voices of our own TYA community which has been hugely in trouble since the beginning of the pandemic?

  • How would you connect the voices of children and young people in this time of difficulties as a TYA artist or practitioner?

  • What would be ideas that address a sustainable way of international exchange in the performing arts?

  • Etc.

Articles should

  • Be between 500-700 words (English) maximum and sent in Word and PDF (both), Times 12pt font.

  • Include a title and the name of the author at the top, and a 25-word bio of the author at the end. 

  • Be accompanied by high quality photos in separate files from the article, TIFF preferred but JPEG is acceptable, the size of the files should not be less than 5 MB.

  • The photos should be credited with the name of the photographer, company, and play.

  • All files should be named by the last name of the author and country.

  • Submissions should be in English and the original language of the author

  • Or it could be a video film less than 5 min. with English subtitles.

  • Or be a collection of photos and texts for a photo-essay style article.

Deadline June 19 2023

Send to

*The selected articles are planned to be uploaded on the online Magazine every month from June to November 2023.


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