Monday, November 11, 2013It gives me great pleasure to invite you to attend the 18th ASSITEJ World Congress and Performing Arts Festival (Korczak Festival Special Edition) in Warsaw, Poland, from 23-31 May 2014.The ASSITEJ World Congress is the most important meeting of all the members of the International Association of Theatre for Children and Young People, taking place every three years. It is a time to reflect on what we have achieved, to consider what our current context and challenges are, and to chart a way forward for the future. It is a space in which we can expect provocation, stimulation and challenge, learning and discovery, the forging of new connections and the growth of the association as a whole.The 18th World Congress will focus on the aspect that makes our association unique - our very particular audience. The theme "Facing the Audience" will be explored in a number of different ways through the meeting, including specifically theatre for the very young, theatre for teenagers, and inclusive theatre. It will introduce the work of the newest networks that have become Full members of ASSITEJ, it will provide a host of thought-provoking and challenging speakers and workshop opportunities, and it will reflect on the achievements of the association in this particular term of office (2011-2014). The Performing Arts Festival, which this year is a Special Edition of the Korczak Festival, will showcase some of the most interesting and diverse productions from across the globe, reflective of the many different ways in which artists are engaging with their audiences.It is crucial that every member of ASSITEJ participates in the 18th World Congress, preferably in person, but if this is not possible, then by proxy. We also invite non-members working in the field of theatre for young audiences to attend the Congress, to learn about our association and to find ways to formally associate with us and become part of the voting membership in the future.We are an association united in our diversity, sharing the common belief that every child and young person in the world should have access to theatre especially made for them. The 18th World Congress and Performing Arts Festival will be a manifestation of our shared vision, and we look forward to having you participate in it.See you in Warsaw!Warm greetingsYvette HardiePresident: ASSITEJVisit the ASSITEJ International website


Big Dreams Gathering - March 2016


ASSITEJ International Meeting