ASSITEJ International Meeting in Japan
Hello to ASSITEJ Aotearoa NZ from ASSITEJ Australia in Okinawa.The ASSITEJ general meeting Day 2 is about to start and focus on the future projects ASSITEJ might focus on.Had a great seminar this morning about the Asian artists network. Australia very keen to develop better and more lasting links.Seeing lots of theatre from across the world and surviving the heat! It's full on.Thanks to Jenny Wake for prompting me to say hello. Will share our report of the proceedings with all and look forward to more contact between our two centres.Cheers,Jim LawsonASSITEJ AustraliaEd's note: The very first ASSITEJ International Meeting is taking place in Okinawa City, JAPAN, from 28th July to 5th August 2012, in conjunction with Kijimuna Festa. ASSITEJ International Meetings are a new initiative for ASSITEJ, providing opportunities for members of the international ASSITEJ community to come together during the years between World Congresses (held every three years).For more information, check out the Kijimuna Festa website: www.kijimuna-festa.orgKijimuna Festa Facebook page: next ASSITEJ International Meeting will be in Austria, 2013. Start saving!Thanks for the update, Jim.